


Sure, she'll tag me...

But will she drag her ass out to Wheatfields to meet me. F*ck no. Thanks Sarah. ;)

Answer the following with one word:

Where is your cell phone? Purse
Where is your significant other? Basement
our hair color? Redish
Your mother? Loving
Your father? Protective
Your favorite thing? Family
Your dream last night? Non-existent
Your dream/goal? Happiness
The room you’re in? Living
Your hobby? Hobby?
Your fear? Loss
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
Where were you last night? Home
What you’re not? Skinny
One of your wish-list items? House
Where you grew up? Missouri
The last thing you did? Talk
What are you wearing? PJs
Your TV? Nice
Your pet? None
Your computer? Laptop
Your mood? Exhausted
Missing someone? Yes
Favorite store? Pottery Barn
Our summer? Short
Love someone? Brandon (and kids)
Your favorite color? Purple
When is the last time you laughed? hours
Last time you cried? Yesterday


Omaha here I come...

Ready or not!
(Hey, I used to work in that tallest building! I miss those days...)


From the weekend...

We visited my parents, and spent the weekend enjoying the wonderful weather. Brandon bought the girls Carhart bibs, as illustrated in the pictures above. How freaking cute are they. Also, while on the boat (on the way to the duck blind to do some work on it) we found that Lily could not get her hand to her mouth to eat her cookie (first picture). The life vest and abundance of warm clothing was causing her some problems! :)
Anyway, Carharts and toddlers...cuteness times ten thousand!


Tag! You're it!

Here are the rules:
1-Link to your tagger and list the rules
2-List 5 random facts about yourself
3-Tag 5 people
4-If you're tagged, play along and pass it on!

1. I had hip surgery at the age of 19. I don't think it corrected the problem and I wish I'd never done it.
2. I've had SIX different mailing addresses since 2004. I bet the IRS thinks I'm up to something.
3. I wish I could open my own restaurant.
4. I was an art minor in college.
5. My best friend lives like seven hours away and it's pure torture.

I am tagging:
(I fall one short. Sue me, will ya?)



Top - The girls, in a photo that I did a little "work" on. It's pretty cool, I think.

Middle - Huuuuuge building that Brandon and his crew re-shingled this weekend. Well, they are still working on it as I type. But they're on the last side at least.

Bottom - Brandon (left) and my brother. My brother is terrified of heights. Like, starts clinging to anything he can grab when he gets more than his height off the ground. I'm pretty proud of him for tackling that fear and helping out his brother-in-law.

Sunday update...

It's been a long weekend. Brandon has been working on a side job (putting new shingles on a large building at a fertilizer plant) since Friday morning. It's been a lot of one-on-two time with the girls. And they've done pretty well. But when they get tired, we have some rough patches. We'll be taking the guys lunch today, probably pizza, so we'll at least get out of the house today.

I made some cookies for the guys: Recipe here. I leave out the nuts, and added butterscotch chips. I'm sure they'll be wonderful. I'm going to try and only eat

I started a SparkTeam ( with some of the gals on the Omaha Nest board. So far, it seems to be going good. It does keep me somewhat accountable. I say somewhat because the weekends are always hard for me. But I kind of feel if I can MAINTAIN on the weekend, I can leave the real losing for the week. We'll see how far this gets me.

Omaha visit in eleven days. 11 days!


Updates...via Pictures!

You KNOW it's bad when your husband starts telling you how disappointed he is that you haven't updated your blog. So, I'm uploading some of the pictures on my Blackberry and will use the pictures as my post topics. How 'bout that? Jerks.

Here is Lily. Our ham! This is a poster than is displayed in the girls' classroom, in three different places! As you can see in classroom rule 1, Lily wants you to shut the hell up! :) She's so bossy! Wonder where she gets it. If you look at classroom rule 3, Lily is mid-sleeper hold with her buddy Brielle.

Here are the flowers from Brandon for our 4th wedding anniversary. The colors, for some reason, look odd in this photo, but they are soooooo pretty. We're lame and don't own any vases (well, we might, but they're packed away in boxes if we do!) so they are in a plastic 1 gallon pitcher. Klassy! Thanks for the flowers and cards, babe. I love you!

Here is Ava...home sick! Pneumonia is the pits. This is one snapshot of her sleeping, which she did on and off all day. This resulted in her being bright-eyed and bushy tailed that night, and well into the wee hours of the next morning. Thanks, Brandon, for snuggling with her on the couch.

Here is Ava again. This time, Ava fell and bumped her head at my Mom and Dad's house a few weekends ago. It was a nice little gouge and we thought we'd better go to the ER to have it checked out. All was well and good. She loved the attention.