


Kristi and Beth

I'm calling you whores out. Update your damn blogs. If I can do it, YOU can do it.



Preparing for Christmas!

The tree has been purchased (a 7.5 foot pre-lit jobber from Lowes), put up and decorated. The girls absolutely love it. This morning when they got up, the first thing Lily asked was, "Why isn't the Christmas Tree on?!" So we had to turn it on or risk a meltdown before 6 am. We were going to go the real tree route, but Saturday was just so cold and windy so Brandon finally, after at least seven years of resistance...gave in to the fake tree. It makes me sad, because I know he loves real trees. But I'm also beside myself happy with the fake tree. It's beautiful.

So, after we got the tree up...Sunday evening was spent trying to take a decent picture for our Christmas cards. Ay yi yi. 58 photos. That's how many we took just to get a decent one (or you see above). We seriously need a remote for our camera. It's got a timer, which was handy and all...but all the running back and forth. Poor Brandon. I did it for a few sets and my legs are sore today. How sad is that?

So, just a few more weeks until Christmas. I can't wait to see the girls open presents. It's going to be a really great holiday. They're really at a fun age.


Turkey Day, Retail Madness, and more...

1. Turkey Day. Gotta love a holiday devoted strictly to eating. Well, I do at least. Thanksgiving is a long day, only overshadowed by Christmas in the length of torture we're subjected to. It was made easier this year because my Mom hosted lunch, which meant we didn't have to drive an additional hour round-trip to have lunch with my family, to only turn around and come back to dinner with my husband's family. In summary, no one fought, no cussing, no hitting/throwing rolls/shoving faces in cranberry salad. Oh who am I kidding. We never have knock-down drag outs on Thanksgiving. And we always cuss. I ate at least 3 pieces of pumpkin pie, 2 pieces of apple pie, and 1 piece of peach pie in a 24 hour period. I ate very little turkey and probably a plate-sized serving of mashed potatoes. God Bless you Pilgrims.

2. Retail Madness. Brandon so lovingly volunteered to keep the girls on Friday so Mom and I could venture into the unknown (aka "Black Friday" shopping). We didn't leave the house until around 6:45 Friday morning so we missed most of the initial mad dash. And neither of us were really going for any deals in particular. That must have helped. Mom got a coat she'd been eyeing and I found a few clothes as well. Also got a few more presents for the girls, and some things Brandon needed. When we were all done, we made it home in time for dinner and didn't kill anyone! We're hoping to go again next year. I think it should be an annual thing. But we both agreed we would probably never do the super early door-buster things. Those people are just nuts.

And more!

What a long holiday weekend. It's sad that it is almost nice to return to work. Well, I'm sure tomorrow will be another story.

A new blog to follow (and I'll add it to my blog roll on the right)! Niki is a marathon runner and just so happens to be one of my new-found heroes! Anyone who can run that far without collapsing into a quivering heap of muscle cramps shoots straight to the top of my list. She gives me inspiration! Or at least small fits of jealous rage when I realize how out of shape I am!