Kristi finally decided to update her blog and actually had a very loving and wonderful message about how spectacular I am, I kind of thought I'd better update too. It's better than working on the Friday after New Year's Day when everyone else and their dog took the day off.
Lets see...Christmas run-down. It was a good holiday, but it was a terribly long day. Brandon and I were up at 5 am to get ready before we woke the girls up, seeing that we had to be on the road by 7:30 am to make it to our first Christmas party. We busted into the girls' camera in hand...totally ambushing them. They were very much thinking "what the hell is wrong with you" the entire time.
But let's rewind a bit.
I'm wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. I finally nag Brandon enough that he gives in and helps me. Lily asked for a choo-choo, so I'd ordered what I thought to be a case with trains INSIDE. Wrong-o. No trains. Just a case. Brandon discovers this around the 9 o'clock hour. I burst in to tears. A choo-choo is the only thing Lily asked for, and now...because I'm a spaz who apparently can't read...she's going to think Santa hates her (Oh, and if you still believed in Santa...sorry I ruined it for you). I knew even the armpit of the universe (aka Wal-Mart) closed at 6 pm. What the heck were we going to do?! Brandon told me to try and call K-Mart in the neighboring town and see if they were open. Sure enough, they were...but closing at 10 pm! So Brandon raced to K-Mart, found the trains and saved Christmas.
So back to Christmas morning. Lily loved the trains. Ava loved all her Spiderman stuff. My kids are weird.
The rest of the day was pretty much a blur. Lots of many that the girls just got tired of opening them. Our living room looks like Toys-R-Us threw up all over the place. We're so grateful that we have such generous families.
New Years Eve was nice. We went to my brother's house for dinner. Being a weeknight, and Brandon having to work the next day we weren't planning on having TOO much fun and we were successful with that. :) I'd kind of planned to leave by 8, but we ended up staying until 10. I guess 9:59 is Ava's threshold because she had the most major meltdown I've ever seen. Ever try and put a coat on a 33-ish pound fish that is extremely irate and wants to tear your face off? That's kind of what Ava was. Flopping. Floundering. Kicking. Screaming. Scratching. I think she might have tried to get a bite or two in as well. And then you've got Lily...chill as chill can be, just looking on. At least when these things happen it usually is only one of them having the fit. So I fought with her for a good 5 minutes to put her coat on, and let her win the "I don't want to wear my boots" battle. I wouldn't want to wear cowboy boots either, kid...but that's what YOU picked out. So independent.
She screamed allllll the way home. Granted, it's like 5 miles. But it was a long five miles. This was after she would not let me buckle her car seat. Only Daddy was good enough. Whatevs, have at it. Putting her pajamas on was just as much of a battle. To say when the screaming subsided and peace and quiet prevailed, that I was ecstatic, is an understatement.
Brandon played his Call of Duty game, finally beating it (after what, like 3 well spent there). I did a whole lot of nothing, talking to some friends online most of the night. They kept me company, bless their hearts...complete losers like me. :) Oh, and Kristi doesn't count in this because technically she was out at a party. And we were talking on Blackberry Messenger so that, I less loserish than Facebook Chat or MSN.
(Disclaimer: I don't think my friends are really losers. I'm glad they were there to keep me company.)Other than that, not much is new. 2009 is here, and it will take me a solid 2 months to write it correctly on checks. I start back to college (ohmygawd what was I thinking) on the 12th of this month. An online course on Weather and Climate. I need a 4 hour science course to round out all my pre-reqs for the accelerated program I'm doing for my Bachelors so I thought I'd get that out of the way first. My Mom said I'll be the official family Meteorologist after this class, surpassing my brother and his expertise obtained through watching hours, and hours, and HOURS of The Weather Channel. It's an online course, so I'm glad for that...but word on the street is that the professor requires a lot of extra work because of that fact. Awesome.
Until next time...