Check it out, folks...this is how I'm spending my Saturday night! Brandon is crashed out in his chair. I'm cuddled up with the laptop (preparing to do some work on a server at 11 pm), and then girls have been in bed for over 2 hours.
Today was my nephew Preston's first birthday. Holy craziness. It was quite the brew-ha-ha and I'm glad I didn't have to do much. He didn't know exactly what he should do with the huge cake my sister-in-law made for him. And he was even less impressed when she smashed some in his hair. The girls had a big time and didn't nap all day. By the time we got home they were so tired that their bath was a fight from start to finish and they were practically dragging US upstairs to their beds. Hopefully they'll get a good nights rest, as tomorrow we're going to be out and about again, as Brandon helps one of our friends finish putting siding up on his house.
56 days until we go to Canada. I ordered a Garmin GPS system with the remainder of my birthday money. I'm really excited about it. It does a lot more than give you directions. It does have the full text-to-speech feature which is awesome. It also will Bluetooth to our cell phones so we can have hands-free talking.
Other than that, I have picked up a new project at work. I'm doing some configuration work for the hospital's patient record system. It's a lot more interesting that writing Crystal Reports. I'm not sure how my two current departments feel about my branching out, but I'm fairly certain that they really don't have that much say in it. I have to do what my boss tells me to. I am excited though, to test drive some new laptops in the next few months.
Brandon's 10 year class reunion is coming up, too. I think it's the weekend we return from our fishing trip. Must.be.in.shape.before.then.
Also, we have a wedding in July. It will probably be the wedding reception of all wedding receptions in my po-dunk hometown.
Mother's Day is next weekend. I'm not expecting anything. Honestly. Well...maybe just a card. Consider this your friendly reminder to at least send your Mother a card. Yes. You. Send a damn card. :)
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