


School update!

After I decided that I wanted to finish my degree, I called the benefits person here at work. It turns out that the hospital has a "loan and forgiveness" program which will basically pay for my schooling. As I work her, my "debt" is repaid at a certain rate based on the number of years I have worked here.

Now, there are no excuses. I've requested all of my transcripts and I think the University has received a few of them. I'm anxious to hear about what will or will not transfer over. I'm hoping that most (if not ALL) of my business credits transfer over. Wouldn't it be great if I could lop off an entire year of the total program time. Yes, yes it would.

The girls and I are meeting my parents and sister-in-law (and her son) for dinner tonight. My Dad is golfing in town today, my Mom is keeping my nephew while my sister-in-law has meetings for the girls and I will just be meeting up with them once we get back in town. Should be a wild night. Brandon is working on his friend Scott's roof, re-shingling.

Not much on tap for the weekend. Brandon will either be working on the shingle job, or working at another side-job he started last weekend.

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