


My Kids and Wal-Mart

1) They were complete terrors the entire time we were in there.

2) Did I mention the complete terror part?

3) Ava refused to put on her coat. So, I calmly escorted her to the bathroom while Brandon checked out and kept Lily. You know, that whole "do we need to go to the bathroom" trick. Anyway, we're getting ready to exit the stall post-coat reinstallation and I see two little hands coming towards us under the stall door. Then I notice that those two little hands are sticking out of a purple coat. And then I see a funky stocking cap that sort of resembles the one that my other demon child, Lily, wears. And then I see her chubby cheeks.


"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz Mommaaaaay! Whaz you doin'?!"

I guess she darted off into the women's bathroom and of course my husband could not run in after to wrangle.

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