


Kristi and Beth

I'm calling you whores out. Update your damn blogs. If I can do it, YOU can do it.



Preparing for Christmas!

The tree has been purchased (a 7.5 foot pre-lit jobber from Lowes), put up and decorated. The girls absolutely love it. This morning when they got up, the first thing Lily asked was, "Why isn't the Christmas Tree on?!" So we had to turn it on or risk a meltdown before 6 am. We were going to go the real tree route, but Saturday was just so cold and windy so Brandon finally, after at least seven years of resistance...gave in to the fake tree. It makes me sad, because I know he loves real trees. But I'm also beside myself happy with the fake tree. It's beautiful.

So, after we got the tree up...Sunday evening was spent trying to take a decent picture for our Christmas cards. Ay yi yi. 58 photos. That's how many we took just to get a decent one (or you see above). We seriously need a remote for our camera. It's got a timer, which was handy and all...but all the running back and forth. Poor Brandon. I did it for a few sets and my legs are sore today. How sad is that?

So, just a few more weeks until Christmas. I can't wait to see the girls open presents. It's going to be a really great holiday. They're really at a fun age.


Turkey Day, Retail Madness, and more...

1. Turkey Day. Gotta love a holiday devoted strictly to eating. Well, I do at least. Thanksgiving is a long day, only overshadowed by Christmas in the length of torture we're subjected to. It was made easier this year because my Mom hosted lunch, which meant we didn't have to drive an additional hour round-trip to have lunch with my family, to only turn around and come back to dinner with my husband's family. In summary, no one fought, no cussing, no hitting/throwing rolls/shoving faces in cranberry salad. Oh who am I kidding. We never have knock-down drag outs on Thanksgiving. And we always cuss. I ate at least 3 pieces of pumpkin pie, 2 pieces of apple pie, and 1 piece of peach pie in a 24 hour period. I ate very little turkey and probably a plate-sized serving of mashed potatoes. God Bless you Pilgrims.

2. Retail Madness. Brandon so lovingly volunteered to keep the girls on Friday so Mom and I could venture into the unknown (aka "Black Friday" shopping). We didn't leave the house until around 6:45 Friday morning so we missed most of the initial mad dash. And neither of us were really going for any deals in particular. That must have helped. Mom got a coat she'd been eyeing and I found a few clothes as well. Also got a few more presents for the girls, and some things Brandon needed. When we were all done, we made it home in time for dinner and didn't kill anyone! We're hoping to go again next year. I think it should be an annual thing. But we both agreed we would probably never do the super early door-buster things. Those people are just nuts.

And more!

What a long holiday weekend. It's sad that it is almost nice to return to work. Well, I'm sure tomorrow will be another story.

A new blog to follow (and I'll add it to my blog roll on the right)! Niki is a marathon runner and just so happens to be one of my new-found heroes! Anyone who can run that far without collapsing into a quivering heap of muscle cramps shoots straight to the top of my list. She gives me inspiration! Or at least small fits of jealous rage when I realize how out of shape I am!



My Kids and Wal-Mart

1) They were complete terrors the entire time we were in there.

2) Did I mention the complete terror part?

3) Ava refused to put on her coat. So, I calmly escorted her to the bathroom while Brandon checked out and kept Lily. You know, that whole "do we need to go to the bathroom" trick. Anyway, we're getting ready to exit the stall post-coat reinstallation and I see two little hands coming towards us under the stall door. Then I notice that those two little hands are sticking out of a purple coat. And then I see a funky stocking cap that sort of resembles the one that my other demon child, Lily, wears. And then I see her chubby cheeks.


"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz Mommaaaaay! Whaz you doin'?!"

I guess she darted off into the women's bathroom and of course my husband could not run in after to wrangle.


It's been too long!

Omaha: My visit was fantastic. I was so excited to get there (the flight sucked, as it was raining and very turbulent), but Kristi was a total lesbo and cried as soon as I came through the security area. I love that crazy bitch. She drove me erratically to Chipotle, to fulfil my first wish of a chicken burrito. Mmmmm it was good. I think we must have talked about a mile a minute until we finally went to sleep. We did some shopping, lots of eating, lots of laughing, and just some good catching up. Girls night was Friday, with drinks at Kona, Cheeseburger in Paradise, and then J. Medicine Hat at the Funny Bone. It had been a long time since I'd had that much fun. Michelle was so hilarious...busting her ass in the middle of the mall parking lot. We had so much fun. Leaving on Sunday was terribly hard. Kristi and I both cried (of course). The TSA screeners must have thought we were together. It made me chuckle once I got to my gate. I almost took a delay on my flight so I could get a $200 travel voucher and reimbursement for the one way flight. That would have been at least one more trip to Omaha, plus another half of a trip. Darn. But I was ready to get home and see my family.

Kids: They are really good, except for the creepy crud they've got going on. I think it's going to be a painfully long cold and flu season.

Work: Work It sucks some days. It's decent others. Hopefully it gets better, or at least slows down some. With the holidays coming up, I'd at least like to be able to enjoy them this year.

I might as well make my New Year's resolution now. And see how many days it takes for me to break it. :) I resolve to update my blog once a week!

Here's to keeping a promise!


Pictures and Weekend Update

First, behold the monstrosity of a deer stand that my husband is building for a family friend. It will have electricity and is 12 feet by 12 feet...big enough that he can hunt from it, as well as sleep in it. Since the location is in the middle of a flood plain that has, in fact, flooded twice in the past 15 years, the idea was born to build something elevated which would protect it from the flood waters. So, here it is:

Next, here is a picture I took in my parents' backyard. I love fall.
And finally, some kid pictures because I'm a shameless braggart about my beautiful children:


Sure, she'll tag me...

But will she drag her ass out to Wheatfields to meet me. F*ck no. Thanks Sarah. ;)

Answer the following with one word:

Where is your cell phone? Purse
Where is your significant other? Basement
our hair color? Redish
Your mother? Loving
Your father? Protective
Your favorite thing? Family
Your dream last night? Non-existent
Your dream/goal? Happiness
The room you’re in? Living
Your hobby? Hobby?
Your fear? Loss
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
Where were you last night? Home
What you’re not? Skinny
One of your wish-list items? House
Where you grew up? Missouri
The last thing you did? Talk
What are you wearing? PJs
Your TV? Nice
Your pet? None
Your computer? Laptop
Your mood? Exhausted
Missing someone? Yes
Favorite store? Pottery Barn
Our summer? Short
Love someone? Brandon (and kids)
Your favorite color? Purple
When is the last time you laughed? hours
Last time you cried? Yesterday


Omaha here I come...

Ready or not!
(Hey, I used to work in that tallest building! I miss those days...)


From the weekend...

We visited my parents, and spent the weekend enjoying the wonderful weather. Brandon bought the girls Carhart bibs, as illustrated in the pictures above. How freaking cute are they. Also, while on the boat (on the way to the duck blind to do some work on it) we found that Lily could not get her hand to her mouth to eat her cookie (first picture). The life vest and abundance of warm clothing was causing her some problems! :)
Anyway, Carharts and toddlers...cuteness times ten thousand!


Tag! You're it!

Here are the rules:
1-Link to your tagger and list the rules
2-List 5 random facts about yourself
3-Tag 5 people
4-If you're tagged, play along and pass it on!

1. I had hip surgery at the age of 19. I don't think it corrected the problem and I wish I'd never done it.
2. I've had SIX different mailing addresses since 2004. I bet the IRS thinks I'm up to something.
3. I wish I could open my own restaurant.
4. I was an art minor in college.
5. My best friend lives like seven hours away and it's pure torture.

I am tagging:
(I fall one short. Sue me, will ya?)



Top - The girls, in a photo that I did a little "work" on. It's pretty cool, I think.

Middle - Huuuuuge building that Brandon and his crew re-shingled this weekend. Well, they are still working on it as I type. But they're on the last side at least.

Bottom - Brandon (left) and my brother. My brother is terrified of heights. Like, starts clinging to anything he can grab when he gets more than his height off the ground. I'm pretty proud of him for tackling that fear and helping out his brother-in-law.

Sunday update...

It's been a long weekend. Brandon has been working on a side job (putting new shingles on a large building at a fertilizer plant) since Friday morning. It's been a lot of one-on-two time with the girls. And they've done pretty well. But when they get tired, we have some rough patches. We'll be taking the guys lunch today, probably pizza, so we'll at least get out of the house today.

I made some cookies for the guys: Recipe here. I leave out the nuts, and added butterscotch chips. I'm sure they'll be wonderful. I'm going to try and only eat

I started a SparkTeam ( with some of the gals on the Omaha Nest board. So far, it seems to be going good. It does keep me somewhat accountable. I say somewhat because the weekends are always hard for me. But I kind of feel if I can MAINTAIN on the weekend, I can leave the real losing for the week. We'll see how far this gets me.

Omaha visit in eleven days. 11 days!


Updates...via Pictures!

You KNOW it's bad when your husband starts telling you how disappointed he is that you haven't updated your blog. So, I'm uploading some of the pictures on my Blackberry and will use the pictures as my post topics. How 'bout that? Jerks.

Here is Lily. Our ham! This is a poster than is displayed in the girls' classroom, in three different places! As you can see in classroom rule 1, Lily wants you to shut the hell up! :) She's so bossy! Wonder where she gets it. If you look at classroom rule 3, Lily is mid-sleeper hold with her buddy Brielle.

Here are the flowers from Brandon for our 4th wedding anniversary. The colors, for some reason, look odd in this photo, but they are soooooo pretty. We're lame and don't own any vases (well, we might, but they're packed away in boxes if we do!) so they are in a plastic 1 gallon pitcher. Klassy! Thanks for the flowers and cards, babe. I love you!

Here is Ava...home sick! Pneumonia is the pits. This is one snapshot of her sleeping, which she did on and off all day. This resulted in her being bright-eyed and bushy tailed that night, and well into the wee hours of the next morning. Thanks, Brandon, for snuggling with her on the couch.

Here is Ava again. This time, Ava fell and bumped her head at my Mom and Dad's house a few weekends ago. It was a nice little gouge and we thought we'd better go to the ER to have it checked out. All was well and good. She loved the attention.


I sound Midwestern (it's true!)

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The South
The West
North Central
The Inland North
The Northeast


Sometimes, I feel like this...

No, not in the sense that I wish I could jump off stuff and look completely silly in my underwear and a "My Little Pony" sparkly t-shirt.

Just in the sense that I am carefree, without stress and worry.

I wish I remembered what that was like. I *think* I felt that way in Canada. Day 2. Still not completely overwhelmed with missing my kids. Still oblivious to the big, hairy, terrifyingly scary bear that would soon be gracing our presence. Still not sick of doing my potty business in the woods. I didn't have to worry about work. The kids were well taken care of. I could just read, rest, relax, enjoy the company of my best friend.

Ah, but back to reality.

Things are weird here at work. Weird meaning that people are dropping like flies and leaving the company. Maybe I don't deal well with change and this is making me uneasy.

The girls aren't really adjusting to their new room at Daycare very well. Today was actually the best day since the big switch. But they still get so upset when I leave. Clinging to me and screaming "MOMMY!" as I walk out of the room. It breaks my heart. And I feel like shit. I hate that they are upset. I know that within five minutes, they are fine and dandy. But I don't see that. I just seeing the sad faces, eyes welled up with tears, little pudgy arms reaching for me as I slip out the door.


It will get better. IT WILL GET BETTER.

I can't wait until the end of October. I'm flying to Omaha to re-connect with some of my best friends in the whole world. I have a feeling I'm really not going to want to leave. Luckily my kids and husband are staying behind, which will...without a reason enough to flee Omaha.

That's about all for today. I hereby promise, to my Bef, that I will TRY and be better at updating if she TRIES to get me an updated picture.


Oh, and P.S. RIP JagJag. :(


Mountain Dew Chapstick and cranky kids...

I never, ever imagined that having the girls' pictures taken would be such a freaking disaster.

Yes. Disaster.

Oh, I know...they look so precious, adorable, smiley, perfect, etc, etc, etc in the picture displayed so proudly to the left of this conflicting text.

Well, it's true. Under that dirty blond colored hair are horns, bright red in color.

Can you see what they are holding? That is Mountain Dew bottle shaped (and tasting) chap stick. Who even knew they made the stuff...but that is what my kids picked out. More of that story to follow...

We started by getting their hair trimmed. Lily did okay, but Ava threw a huge fit. My poor Mom was holding her and it was just tragic. I had to laugh a few times, but I really did feel bad for my Mom.

Then, we had time to kill so we hung out in the little play area in the mall. That ended with us dragging them away, kicking and screaming. I told them we'd find something for them along the way if they would just behave. Bribes always work.

So we stopped into Claire's. Found these Disney Princess purses that they fell in love with. Oh, and the chapstick. Woooonderful.

Fast-forward to outfit changing time and at one point my Mom said, "Why don't we just cancel the appointment, Jeana. There is no way they are going to have their pictures taken today." Kicking. Check. Screaming. Check. Begging for the chapstick which they had spent the previous 15 minutes smearing all over their faces. Check.

But, eventually they calmed down. And we got some okay pictures...but they had to keep that damn chapstick in their hands.
So, after pictures, Mom and I rallied the troops (read: Ava and Lily) and we headed to meet Brandon. He decided that TGIFriday's sounded good, and off we went.
Mac & Cheese makes the twinnies very, very happy. We made 14 million trips to "go potty" even through they only went potty once...or farted. Because they (mainly Lily) are learning "that" feeling. Oh yes. POOPING!
I'm beginning to notice that Ava is going to be the difficult one. God bless her little heart, she just doesn't deal with stuff as well as Lily. Lily is a real "roll with the punches" kind of kid. I love that they have such different personalities.
Oh, and I "accidentally" left it in the restaurant after dinner. Oops.
Starting TurboJam tonight. Will report about my findings tomorrow, if I don't die first.


What have you done?

What have I done? Bolded lines indicate what I have done.

Bought everyone in the bar a drink
Swam with wild dolphin
Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
Been inside the Great Pyramid
Held a tarantula
Taken a candle lit bath
Said I love you and meant it
Hugged a Tree
Bungee jumped
Visited Paris
Watched a lightning storm at sea
Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
Seen the Northern Lights
Gone to a huge sports game
Walked the stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Grown and eaten your own vegetables
Touched an iceberg
Slept under the stars
Changed a baby’s diaper
Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
Watched a meteor shower
Gotten drunk on champagne
Given more than you can afford to charity
Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
Had a food fight
Bet on a winning horse
Asked out a stranger
Had a snowball fight
Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
Held a lamb
Seen a total eclipse
Ridden a rollercoaster
Hit a home run
Danced like a fool, not caring who watched
Adopted an accent for an entire day
Actually felt happy about your life, even for a moment
Had two hard drives for your computer
Visited all 50 states
Taken care of someone who was too drunk
Had amazing Friends
Danced with a Stranger in a foreign country
Watched wild whales
Stolen a sign
Hitchhiked in Europe
Taken a road-trip
Gone rock climbing
Midnight walk on the beach
Gone sky diving
Visited Ireland
Been heartbroken longer than you were in love
In a restaurant sat at a stranger’s table and ate with them
Visited Japan
Milked a cow
Alphabetized your CDs
Pretended to be a superhero
Sung karaoke
Lounged around in bed all day
Posed nude in front of strangers
Gone scuba diving
Kissed in the rain
Played in the mud
Played in the rain
Gone to a drive-in theater
Visited the Great Wall of China
Started a business
Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
Toured ancient sites
Taken a martial arts class
Played a computer game for more than 6 hours straight
Gotten married
Been in a movie
Crashed a party
Gotten divorced
Gone without food for 5 days
Made cookies from scratch
Won first prize in a costume contest
Ridden a gondola in Venice
Gotten a tattoo
Rafted the Snake River
Been on television news program as an “expert”
Got flowers for no reason
Performed on a stage
Been to Las Vegas
Recorded Music
Eaten shark
Had a one-night stand
Gone to Thailand
Bought a house
Been in a combat zone
Buried one/both of your parents
Been on a cruise ship
Spoken more than one language fluently
Performed in Rocky Horror
Raised Children (well, raising...)
Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
Picked up and moved to another city
Walked on the Golden Gate Bridge
Sang loudly in the car and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
Had plastic surgery
Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have
Wrote articles for a large publication
Lost over 100 lbs
Held someone while they were having a flashback
Piloted an airplane
Petted a stingray
Broken someone’s heart
Helped an animal give birth
Won money on a TV game show
Broken a bone
Gone on an African safari
Had a body part below the neck pierced
Fired a rifle, shotgun or pistol
Eaten mushrooms gathered in the wild
Ridden a horse
Had major surgery
Had a snake as a pet
Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Slept for more than 30 hours over 48 consecutive hours
Visited more foreign countries than US States
Visited all 7 continents
Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
Eaten Kangaroo meat
Eaten sushi
Had your picture in the paper
Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
Gone back to school
Petted a cockroach
Eaten fried green tomatoes
Read the Illiad
Killed and prepared an animal for eating
Skipped all of your school reunions
Communicated with someone without sharing a common language
Been elected to public office
Written your own computer language
Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
Had to put someone you love in hospice care
Build your own PC from parts
Sold your own artwork to someone that didn’t know it was yours
Had a booth in a street fair
Dyed your hair
Been a DJ
Shaved your head
Caused a car accident
Saved someone’s life



My kids can rock the private school kid look like nobody's business. Some notables:
- Ava 's socks are PINK striped. Trust me. They are pink. The lighting must suck or something. Also, it's unfortunate that you can't see the same color of pink on the sweater.
- I agree that the stripes with the Argyle is a bit busy, but damn you Baby Gap for allowing this combo to be sold at all. I trust you and your stylistic outfit options. Curse you all to hell.
- I proceeded to buy 1 pair of pink knee socks, 1 pair of green knee socks, and 2 pair of navy knee socks. The stripes are a no go with the sweater. But solids I think should be okay.
- Did anyone take a second to notice the adorable freaking shoes they have on?!
- Head bands. This is the first time they've worn them. And they love them. But they call them "band heads".

In other news, Brandon and I started P90X. I passed the pre-test which is a big win for me. But, as I was reading through all the material, I came to realize that this program probably isn't for me at all. It states that if you have more than 20 pounds to lose, then you probably want to start with another one of their programs. P90X is more for shaping and definition. That will be perfect for Brandon. Not for me. So I have TurboJam on it's way and will start it as soon as it gets here. Wish me luck.

This weekend, we're going "home" for a local fair. Antique Days. Basically...old people gathering on the town square talking about yesteryear and bitching about how "kids act these days". BUT...I can put all that lame crap aside for BINGO. $5 blackout anybody? Who's kicking some Senior Citizen ass this weekend? This gal!


Google searches that led to my blog:

1) I am frustrated with my job (oops!)
2) all cool snickers (which led to my Snickers Apple Salad recipe)
4) picture of cheesecake
5) snickers and granny smith apples (another shout-out for the salad!)
6) vanilla instant pudding (this makes me LOL)

I get a lot of hits from Sarah's site. So thanks for the traffic, hooker!

New video of the girls. Lily singing her ABC's...Ava just gabbing!


Holy buckets (of water)!

Brandon, the girls and I ventured to a local lake that is currently more than 34 FEET above it's standard pool depth. Brandon and I have fished this lake quite a few times and it's one of Brandon's favorite crappie "holes". Due to the high water, the flood gates on the dam are open...all four of them...and they are releasing in upwards of 54,000 cubic feet of water per SECOND. That translates to about 405,000 gallons of water per SECOND.



" time won't you sing with me!"

Lily was singing her ABC's all the way to school today. 30 minutes worth. I enjoyed every second. Here's how it goes:

Lily: "Aah, bee, ceeeee, deeeeh, eeeeeeeeeee, eff, gee, ache, eye, jah, kah, elle, mmmm, en, ooooh, pee, qu, arrrre, essssssssssssss, tee, ewe, vee, dubble ewe, x, why, and zee. Now I no my Aah Bee Ceeee's, deeeh eeeeeee, eff, gee, next time sing with meeeee!"

Love it. Ava would scream, "Again! Again!".

Also...I have made my deposit to the university and am waiting to hear from the registrar as to what credits transferred in and how long my program will run. I'm reallllly hoping for a year. But I won't be (too) disappointed if it's longer.

We're hoping to be enrolled with the girls in a Parent and Tot swimming course at the local YMCA. First lesson is August 5th. I really, REALLY don't want to get in a swimsuit, but I will for the girls. It will be depressing, I'm almost certain. But I'll deal.

Hmmmm. What else? It's been a really boring past few weeks. As detailed by my phonetic spelling of Lily's ABC sing-a-long.


My new favorite blog!

The Pioneer Woman!

Oh my gawd! I have already made a list of about 10 recipes that I want to try, 2 of which I will be trying today (if not tomorrow...depending on my husband who is feeling a little bit under the weather).

I know Sarah has this listed on her BlogLinks, but I'd never visited it. Not until yesterday when I asked my homeboard on the Nest, Married Life, what the most fattening dessert they'd ever had was. I have a co-worker who is currently battling Adenocarcinoma in the duodenum. She has hit an all-time low in weight, 85 lbs. This woman isn't much shorter than me, so that would put her at about 5' 9". She visited the office last week to bring treats, as she did find that the tumor has gone down a bit in size. But it's still taking a hell of a toll on her, as she can't possibly eat enough to keep up with what the tumor is stealing from her body. She must eat every 2 hours. This means waking up through the night, eating hot dogs, cheesecake, milkshakes, whatever she can find that is fattening and appeals to her. Poor thing. I can't imagine. Anyway, some of my Nestie friends suggest these apple dumplings from the Pioneer Woman blog. Or cheesecake. So I decided to send her an Eli's Cheesecake gift pack. The same one I sent another friend last year who was fighting cancer. He is now in remission. I sure hope there's some magical healing powers in these Eli's Cheesecakes.

Anyway, I'm going to make the dumplings (which involve TWO sticks of butter and a can of Mountain Dew...clearly an ideal recipe for my husband) this weekend.

And now I must go, before the girls kill each other.

Ava and Lily...enjoying a Saturday morning breakfast of "Loopy Loops" (aka Fruit Loops)


Well, it's the truth!

Can I get a "HELL YEAH!"


School update!

After I decided that I wanted to finish my degree, I called the benefits person here at work. It turns out that the hospital has a "loan and forgiveness" program which will basically pay for my schooling. As I work her, my "debt" is repaid at a certain rate based on the number of years I have worked here.

Now, there are no excuses. I've requested all of my transcripts and I think the University has received a few of them. I'm anxious to hear about what will or will not transfer over. I'm hoping that most (if not ALL) of my business credits transfer over. Wouldn't it be great if I could lop off an entire year of the total program time. Yes, yes it would.

The girls and I are meeting my parents and sister-in-law (and her son) for dinner tonight. My Dad is golfing in town today, my Mom is keeping my nephew while my sister-in-law has meetings for the girls and I will just be meeting up with them once we get back in town. Should be a wild night. Brandon is working on his friend Scott's roof, re-shingling.

Not much on tap for the weekend. Brandon will either be working on the shingle job, or working at another side-job he started last weekend.

Kids Picture Post

Ava - Ornery as ever!

Lily loves her Crocs...she thumbs her nose as fashion snobs everywhere!

My Lily-bear!

"This flower STINKS!"

"I agree, Sis!"


Serious Lil

Rockin' the two piece

Snap-pops are the best!


Canada Picture Post


Sunset at camp

Our pilot, Shane and Brandon

Pretty stream leading to the portage


"Hurry up and get our shit on the plane, thanks!" - Jeana

Shane coming to get us...THANK GOD!

Our little friend...Mr. Squirrel.

Sexy fisherwoman!

Home, sweet, of.

Brandon and his 32 inch Northern Pike.