Yes. Disaster.
Oh, I know...they look so precious, adorable, smiley, perfect, etc, etc, etc in the picture displayed so proudly to the left of this conflicting text.
Well, it's true. Under that dirty blond colored hair are horns, bright red in color.
Can you see what they are holding? That is Mountain Dew bottle shaped (and tasting) chap stick. Who even knew they made the stuff...but that is what my kids picked out. More of that story to follow...
We started by getting their hair trimmed. Lily did okay, but Ava threw a huge fit. My poor Mom was holding her and it was just tragic. I had to laugh a few times, but I really did feel bad for my Mom.

Then, we had time to kill so we hung out in the little play area in the mall. That ended with us dragging them away, kicking and screaming. I told them we'd find something for them along the way if they would just behave. Bribes always work.
So we stopped into Claire's. Found these Disney Princess purses that they fell in love with. Oh, and the chapstick. Woooonderful.
Fast-forward to outfit changing time and at one point my Mom said, "Why don't we just cancel the appointment, Jeana. There is no way they are going to have their pictures taken today." Kicking. Check. Screaming. Check. Begging for the chapstick which they had spent the previous 15 minutes smearing all over their faces. Check.
But, eventually they calmed down. And we got some okay pictures...but they had to keep that damn chapstick in their hands.
So, after pictures, Mom and I rallied the troops (read: Ava and Lily) and we headed to meet Brandon. He decided that TGIFriday's sounded good, and off we went.
Mac & Cheese makes the twinnies very, very happy. We made 14 million trips to "go potty" even through they only went potty once...or farted. Because they (mainly Lily) are learning "that" feeling. Oh yes. POOPING!
I'm beginning to notice that Ava is going to be the difficult one. God bless her little heart, she just doesn't deal with stuff as well as Lily. Lily is a real "roll with the punches" kind of kid. I love that they have such different personalities.
Oh, and I "accidentally" left it in the restaurant after dinner. Oops.
Starting TurboJam tonight. Will report about my findings tomorrow, if I don't die first.
Oh man, your stresses makes me laugh. I'm sorry, they're just so cute. Oh, but you're cuter and you rock! lol.
I love Ava and Lily and Argyle!
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