



My kids can rock the private school kid look like nobody's business. Some notables:
- Ava 's socks are PINK striped. Trust me. They are pink. The lighting must suck or something. Also, it's unfortunate that you can't see the same color of pink on the sweater.
- I agree that the stripes with the Argyle is a bit busy, but damn you Baby Gap for allowing this combo to be sold at all. I trust you and your stylistic outfit options. Curse you all to hell.
- I proceeded to buy 1 pair of pink knee socks, 1 pair of green knee socks, and 2 pair of navy knee socks. The stripes are a no go with the sweater. But solids I think should be okay.
- Did anyone take a second to notice the adorable freaking shoes they have on?!
- Head bands. This is the first time they've worn them. And they love them. But they call them "band heads".

In other news, Brandon and I started P90X. I passed the pre-test which is a big win for me. But, as I was reading through all the material, I came to realize that this program probably isn't for me at all. It states that if you have more than 20 pounds to lose, then you probably want to start with another one of their programs. P90X is more for shaping and definition. That will be perfect for Brandon. Not for me. So I have TurboJam on it's way and will start it as soon as it gets here. Wish me luck.

This weekend, we're going "home" for a local fair. Antique Days. Basically...old people gathering on the town square talking about yesteryear and bitching about how "kids act these days". BUT...I can put all that lame crap aside for BINGO. $5 blackout anybody? Who's kicking some Senior Citizen ass this weekend? This gal!


Sarah said...

My mom has called them "Alice bands" (from Alice in Wonderland?) for as long as I've been alive, and it has annoyed me to no end. She also calls drumsticks (the dessert) "coronets." I think she might have early early early onset dementia!

The girls look adorable, I love the divas.

Beth S. said...

love it!

Kristi said...

Aunt Kishey seal of approval!
