So I'm going to blog. That always seems to make me feel better.
When I came into this job, I replaced a woman who worked here less than 6 months. She basically came in, half-
ass learned the ropes, then cut and run when she couldn't handle it. I admit, it's high stress sometimes, and demands
hella hours. I spend many a-night working from home, or even signing in on weekends.
So, the woman that SHE replaced had to re-train me (after training the woman who quit). A lot of things seemed to get "misplaced", forgotten about, or the like. I mean, it wouldn't be hard. You hand off all your tasks to one person, who then turns around and quits...only to have to re-tell ANOTHER person what you told the previous one about 180 days ago!
Today, I get an email from the director of the department (Read: Big Wig!) and it appears that a project was one of the casualties of this employee-swapping-song-and-dance. It had kicked off when the person I replaced was preparing to leave. Between the time she departed, and the time that I came in, nothing happened with it. I'd been here a few weeks, and helped send off a file that this analysis company needed, but like I knew what it was for (and was never told what it was for)...
Fast-forward to today, and the director wants details of what the hell is going on with this engagement. Oh lord. And you know what, selling anyone up the river was my last concern. I couldn't help but think how bad this could make ME look. I believe I'm in the "clear"...or at least lets hope so. But that doesn't get me out of adding another project to my workload.
Ay yi yi!
In other news, Ava Grace is now a big girl. She pooped on the big girl potty last night, and then peed in it this morning. I was jumping around like an idiot. Who would have thought that human excrement could ever be THIS exciting. Or, that I could feel such a sense of pride from the fact that my daughter shit in a bowl. But, alas, I do feel proud. And I will continue to dance around like an idiot and wave "bye bye" to the poop and pee as it goes blissfully down the toilet, and I no longer have to deal with diapers.
Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself. Obviously, we aren't done with diapers. But one step closer is alright in my book.
Lily Rae...oh my dearest Lily. She showed interest in the potty chair first. "Mommy, I
poot" she'd proclaim, when in fact, she had pooped in her diaper! She loved to sit on the potty chair, clothed; dismantle the chair and carry around the bowl; and use it as a stepping stool. But the child has the patience of her father
(ha ha ha, Honey! Love you!) and once she saw the celebration after her big sister did "the business" in the potty, I could almost read her mind.
Immediately, she wanted to sit, naked as a jaybird...just like sissy, on the potty chair. But she could NOT keep her butt on the seat for longer than a few seconds without hopping up in a fury, turning in a flash, and peering into the bowl to see what goodies she'd have! The look on her face was priceless, with each check...
disappointment. Confusion. Concern. Disgust. "WHY DON'T I HAVE ANYTHING IN MY BOWL?!" She'd sit down in a huffy, pissed off manner for another 3-5 seconds and the same thing would happen. Up quickly, turning so fast she'd almost fall down, and NOTHING.
Eventually, she gave up. I imagine the thoughts running through her mind are like this...
"Well, I guess my potty chair is broken. I'll just steal Sissy's next time".