Random numero uno: While playing 4-point pitch this weekend, I decided that it's probably the most IRRITATING thing in the world to play cards with someone who doesn't know what the f*ck they are doing. Having to pause each time around the table so we could explain/coach/help out someone really defeats the purpose of the game. Very, VERY irritating.
Random numero dos: I totally forgot it was St. Patrick's Day. I did, however, luckily include some green in my wardrobe by accident. And the girls insisted on wearing their new Camo Crocs...well, they aren't "Crocs"...they are Skechers whatever-knock-off-brand. But they are damn cute:
So what if they are technically a boy's shoe. Do I LOOK like I care?! I was a tomboy, I'm certainly okay with my daughters following suit.

Random numero tres: My brother got me a $20 lottery ticket for my birthday. I won $40 on it! Woot woot! Then, like a dumbass, I used that $40 to buy 2 more tickets (greedy, greedy!) and lost it all. I'm a sucky gambler.
Random numero quatro: I got my hairs cut on Friday. Like the first haircut in a long, long, long time. I'm still kind of "eh" about it. I took a picture (by the way, I share a "window" with a woman...she must think I'm the biggest retard ever...because I took 3 billion photos of my hair). It's in a low-ponytail. Nice, huh? Let's hope that I can learn to do something with it other than this. Comments welcome, but only of the positive persuasion.

OMG, you look GREAT!! And nice haircut too! :) You seriously look so good... good for you!!
Regarding the green thing (in which I am not wearing, but I put Kaylee in some green socks- does that count??), Jon did not know that you get pinched for not wearing green on St. Patty's day. Who doesn't know that?? :)
Look at you looking all supahfly and shiznit. Rock on with your bad self!
I am the low ponytail queen, so I wont be of much help in that department BUT I do recommend some of these nice little metal barrette things I buy at Walgreens. You can do a bunch of stuff with them.
i'm sure you will find something other than the ponytail. that being said, who the eff cares? lol I think you look FAB!
Hello! This is not a picture showing off your haircut - I need a picture of it down, and a face shot while you're at it, please. I'm not happy right now.
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