


I apologize...

For not updating yesterday. It was a crazy-busy day at work! I got a ton done, and then started surfing some realtor websites. I came across this super cute house, small, but very affordable. Of course, we rent right now and the rental was being shown by the owners to a possibly interested purchasing party. I reaaaaaaaally don't want to move to another rental house, because that would mean moving again after that! It's just not ideal, but if need be...we'd do it.

We went and looked at it last night and it's in great shape, and while it's small (2 bedrooms and 1 bath) it has a ton of potential and it's just downright cozy.

Oh, and Brandon got a call-back from the hospital and he's got an interview next Friday. Eeeee!

Yesterday was a busy, busy day for us!


Anonymous said...

Unacceptable. Just kidding.

I am SO excited for you guys! Good luck on the house and Brandon's interview.

Sarah said...

Wooo for the interview - holler, Enrique!

Anonymous said...

For you.