


My offspring are smart!

I mean, you knew that already, but anyway! Yesterday we had Parent Teacher conferences at daycare and then the Parents As Teachers person came over in the evening for a visit. The girls are hitting (or surpassing) all marks developmentally and they say well over the number of words a 20 month old should be able to say.

I'm very relieved that they did not say any bad words while the PAT lady was there. I mean, daycare has been witness already to the potty mouths my children have. I want the woman who reports back to the school district my children will probably enroll in to have a better impression of them!

Let's see...they can stack blocks (6 and 7 high!), identify body parts (even their elbows...random, much?), play well with others and have very caring demeanor (if another kid cries at school, they are sometimes the first ones to rush over and offer comfort), they can walk, run, and climb without falling (most of the time!), and lastly...they are artistic little farts and I think I'll sell their paintings on eBay!

In other news...House. Well, even though we liked that house, our reasonable side tells us it might be a smidge too small. So, we're going to more forward with our pre-approval for financing and see what other properties there are. Why can't we just stumble upon a 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bath home built in the 40's-80's that is in nice condition but just needs updating? I mean, come on! It's can't be THAT HARD! :)

Oh, and I think Kristi is a sucky blogger who never updates her site. Amy's not far behind her. Thank Gawd I've got Sarah.


Anonymous said...

Pssshh... I see how it is. *whatever*

Your children are little Einsteins. TWY SENTWA!

Nicole said...
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Sarah said...

Damn straight, thank God you've got me - although my most recent posts are one-liners or photos....