


Randomness for March 25th

1) A post on the Nest (Omaha board) was asking for suggestions of what to fill a diaper bag with, for a shower gift. I'm sitting here trying to recall all the stuff we have shoved in the diaper bag. I'm pretty sure that I over-pack 99.9% of the time. Q-tips. I kept Q-tips in the diaper bag when the girls were younger. They seem to be prone to boogery noses. And I have this phobia about boogers in noses in public. My poor kids...before I even unstrap them from their car seats, I'm picking at their noses to make sure their "caves" are "bat free". In fact, I just Googled "fear of boogers"...because I wonder if I don't have some sort of illness. I know I have aracnophobia (fear of spiders)...but maybe there's a boggerophobia I don't know about.

2) Brandon's second interview is in an hour. I'm about ready to puke, I'm so nervous. Good ol' Mickey D's for breakfast was a bad choice, given my current emotional state.

3) Lily pitched the biggest fit ever yesterday at daycare when I got there to pick them up. She would not let me put her coat on. I have never been that frustrated in my life. And embarrassed. But I still insisted we go out for dinner to TGIFriday's. Boy am I stupid.

4) IBS Lady is on vacation all this week. I sure haven't missed the joyous sounds of her blowing ass 4 times a day.

5) We're submitting our passport applications today. For whatever reason, I'm very nervous about it.

I think that's about all for now. We are hoping to schedule some house viewings this weekend. We're ready to get that show on the road!


kanz said...

Yeah for passports!

Anonymous said...

Does she pee out her butt? Because that is disgusting.

I STILL have not gotten our passports. All the info is sitting there, waiting for us to do it, but noooo. Why should I when I am not going out of the country... right?