


Today's randomness will include...

1. I hate when I try new recipes and they flop. The one last night was totally sucky. Like, Ava made this, "Oh my gawd Mom! Why are you even feeding this to us?" face. And, it smelled wonderful and looked tasty. Balls.

2. I have to pee, but because I'm posting this blog and hesitated, IBS lady beat me to the potty. So, if you're reading this...I hope you're happy. It's all your fault. Yes, you...YOUR FAULT.

3. I want to know who replaced all the regular spoons with soup spoons in our breakroom. Can they possibly comprehend how hard it is to eat my Jell-O with an effing soup spoon? Well, let me tell's not easy.

4. Tonight is "breakfast for dinner" night and I'm irrationally excited about it. It's quick. It's easy. The girls love it. And who doesn't love waffles and bacon?

5. I've lost 20 lbs. TWENTY POUNDS! I'm so geeked about this. I do realize, however...that I've got a long way to go. But I think that's a pretty rockin' milestone. Then I think, "Hey, dumbass...if you would have found time to exercise, who knows how much more you could have lost..." Dangit.

6. Danny Noreaga needs to go. NEEDS.TO.GO!


Amy said...

I completely disagree with your last thought. I *LOVE* Danny. He is fierce. ;)

kanz said...

For some reason I posted my comments on the wrong blog post and since I'm too lazy to repost, please see your Kleenex post for my comments on soup spoons. Krissy out.